The Back 40 will be OPEN June 26-August 17 in 2024!
Wednesday- Saturdays: 12:00-3:00pm
And by reservation!

Unique Opportunity!
For those of you who live in Park Rapids or are familiar with the area, the Summerhill property was a destination during the 80s, 90s and into the 2000s. With recent renovations & landscape additions, Summerhill is ready for new ownership to take the property into a new era with countless opportunities.

Travis Guida and Sarah Coumbe-Guida re-opened Summerhill Adventures in May, 2021 as a destination to bring families together and create one-of-a-kind memories. The Back 40 (located in the adjacent lot to the west) will continue in the west portion of adjacent property featuring miniature donkeys, goats, high ropes adventure, low ropes team building and much more.

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Upper parking lot entrance

Upper parking lot Sunporch & necessary rooms

Two story deck & view